Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I REALLY do not like poetry.  This statement is most likely appalling to my sister-in-law (sorry Holly)!  It's true though, when I read a book and it includes a long poem (or even a short poem), I will routinely skip it.  I admit that I'm embarrassed by my lack of culture and refinement, so I'm determined to make a change.  Recently, I rented a movie (from the library of course!) that inspired me to turn over a new leaf in my literary ventures...

The movie:  Bright Star

image source:  flickr.com

The Cannes Film Festival describes Bright Star: 
"Director Jane Campion has a knack for portraying female characters so intimately that she seems to get beneath their skin. She does it again in Bright Star, an exquisite piece of film-making about the doomed romance between the poet John Keats and his neighbour Fanny Brawne."

I must agree (though I'm no film critic) that it is a beautiful movie that inspired me to check out this book from the library:

image source:  http://www.marelibri.com/

Currently, I am reading:

image source:  goodreads.com

I recently completed: 

image source:  nantucketmuseumshop.org

Needless to say, reading Keats will surely be a shock after my journey into the era of organized crime and my exhilarating adventures aboard a brutal whaleship.  We will see how it goes!

Any poetry suggestions?