Friday, December 30, 2011

Last Hurrah

Earlier this month, we enjoyed a quick trip to Asheville for a birthday celebration/babymoon.  We tried to soak up the last bit of time together before Addison comes!  (We realize that these opportunities may be few and far between in the future.) 

 The accommodations at Ridgecrest are amazing!  Nice and cozy.

Friday, December 23, 2011

He's Gone Country!

Merry almost Christmas!  We are excited about celebrating the birth of our Savior in our new home.  We are adjusting to the new sights and sounds of living in a different location.  We were used to the endless car horns, sirens, cheers from the restaurant next door, etc.  Now we have quiet.  Well until our baby arrives:)  Or until Forest drives the Bobcat or Jonnie does metal fabrication...I guess quiet is a relative term.
Forest and the Bobcat
Forest working on Addison's dresser
She's just sawin' the legs off a pig!
Pig on the Ridge 2011
Don't really know how to caption this one ;)
Who needs a skatepark?
Lloyd Christmas
Man's Best Friend

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One month and counting...

Give or take a week or two!  Forest and I CANNOT BELIEVE that our little Addison will be here so soon! We are ecstatic!  Her nursery is ready, bags are packed, and car seat installed.  We're so grateful to Aunt Holly, Nikki, Grandma Dutton, Nana Paula, Nancy, Laura, Beth, Judy, and Kim for hosting baby showers for us!  We wanted to share a few photos with you...

Monday, December 5, 2011


We had the privilege of enjoying Thanksgiving with my mom early this year and hosting Thanksgiving at our house.  I think I'll take a break from turkey until next Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for:
* Papa Don:  a wonderful addition to our family
* Veteran's Day birthdays and veterans
* Great Grandma Mixon's china and nautral (free) table centerpieces
* Brother's who like to deep fry and remind us that we have peanut oil coursing
   through our veins
* Two Jonathans who can find many uses for a turkey neck
* Puppies that I can enjoy for the moment but go home with someone else
* A most lovely mom-in-law
* Fun aprons and baby bumps 
* Sitting in rocking chairs
* A sweet husband, a good book, and a full (FULL) belly

Monday, November 28, 2011

G-vegas and Max Patch

Recently...well, more than a MONTH ago...we went to Greenville and Max Patch.  So incredibly lovely!  We enjoyed time with the Duttons, the Baggetts, and the O'Sullivans.   We ate, hiked, watched football (I didn't actually watch any football...I watched Fatal Attractions on Animal Planet!  Have you seen it?  Great show!), ate some more, and relaxed.  The weekend was the calm before the storm of moving the very next week.  More exciting details about our move to come later:)

Forest and I have planned a Greenville trip on multiple occasions but were never successful in actually going to Greenville.  We finally made it!  We ate at a very cute place downtown called The Green Room.  Amazing food!  We also went to the Reedy River Park and ventured out on the extension bridge.
Reedy River Extension Bridge

View of the park

Conveniently located at Reedy River Park is Spill the Beans!  One of my favorite ice cream places to frequent during my time at Furman University.  Want some?
Spill the Beans!
We also took a few hours to tour around my old stomping ground.  Furman did not disappoint in the beauty department.  The campus was breathtaking!  I'm not sure I appreciated the scenery while I was a student.
the Furman Bell Tower
View of the Chapel
After a wonderful day in Greenville, we made our way to Max Patch, TN.  Should have been an easy 2 hour trip.  Let's just say that due to unforeseen circumstances, it took more like 3.5 or 4 hours!  Forest handled it so well.  I did not handle the delay so well...hard to imagine I know:)  The cause of all of my grief?  A pothole repair.  Who repairs potholes on I-40, on a Friday afternoon, during rush hour?  Apparently NCDOT.

The sunset at the mountain house made me forget my troubles!  God's creation astounds me!
View from the mountain house, near Max Patch

The men enjoying the amenities

my handsome husband

On Saturday morning, we hiked Max Patch.  I was unsure about how that would work in my third trimester, but Addison and I made it to the top.  I think she was excited to climb the mountain:)

Max Patch

the O'Sullivans and the Baggetts

We made it to the top!

A new use for hiking poles.

The house was incredible!

Our growing family
We are very thankful for the opportunity to go on such a wonderful vacation.  Forest and I are both continually amazed at how the Lord abundantly provides for us. 

"Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength! Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts!"
Psalm 96:6-8