Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Labor Day and 8 months

Our little mama turned 8 months old yesterday! We decided to celebrate with a  little ponytail! I love little baby ponytails. She's moving like crazy...a few crawls forward but mostly rolling still. She doesn't quite get the whole crawling thing yet. That's okay with me...I feel like I'm already chasing her all over creation. AND I've finally heard a ma-ma. Most of the time I say, "Addison say ma-ma." Then she looks at me and says, "da-da." Oh well:) Also, we took baby girl to the beach again. She had a blast visiting with her Dutton grandparents and Aunt Holly and Uncle Jake. Vacation was fun. Not sure if the word relaxing will describe vacation anymore. After discovering the taste of sand, she attempted to dive out of her baby pool constantly. No more laying quietly on a beach towel (for anybody really). The last piece of developmental news is that she is clapping (yes, I realize that developmental news sounds nerdy). It's really cute but impossible to catch on camera. 

That's all of the Addison Joy update. Otherwise we are trying to endure clinical and figure out the one million things we have to do before Minnesota. Happy Wednesday everyone!

take a guess at how this went down...

Sand tastes so good mama.

She's going to kill me for this next photo. But how can I cut the cutest mullet in the world. Look out Rod Stewart. 

Also, this handsome hunk turned 27. Much to his delight, Caraba's bring you a huge piece of cake on your birthday...without singing.